The B&B Suite

The Bed & Breakfast Suite

Including a stay right here on-site the night of your wedding is just one of the unique offerings here at Rustic Manor 1848. From day one, we’ve be blessed to welcome couples into our home (literally!) and share with them the same wedding joys we had on our wedding day.

The decision to build a brand new suite and move the B&B from the original 1848 Farmhouse came when Eric and I learned we were expecting our first child. Until then, we had been offering the second floor bedchamber to couples the night of their wedding, with breakfast served right to their door. But we quickly realized that a relaxing stay might not be achievable with a screaming infant one floor below. We had officially outgrown the farmhouse!

Luckily, we were prepared as we knew this day would someday come. We’d been fine tuning blueprints for the past 5 years for this addition which allowed us to jump into construction almost immediately. Eric was SO excited since we’ve never had a garage for our own personal use, this build would allow us to finally have an attached personal garage as the second level would house the B&B suite and photography studio.

The construction moved quick; from February - July 2020. It was both a blessing and a curse to have started a major build 1 month before the COVID crazy-ness hit but despite the ups, downs, worries and excitement…we made it through! And the results are (we think) beautiful!

We hope you’re just as excited to stay with us as we are to host you!